The struggle
Our families help to define who we are. The stories we live within, the scripts we are given, and the roles we learn to play all come from there. We are intended to grow our muscles of independence and dependence and form our sense of identity and intimacy in this first and most important community.
But when families sacrifice individual identity of its members for efficiency or survival, or when we are not given chances to grow and flourish in safe, loving relationships within our family, much harm can be done.
The strategy
Families can cause unspeakable harm to the individual members when they lose connection to one another or when one or more members are sacrificed for the sake of others. The good news is that families can also heal and can provide very powerful environments for personal growth. Our therapists work within the entire family system to help bring to light dysfunctional patterns of relating. We work to help break harmful dynamics and develop new, positive and corrective interactions, giving each member a voice and chance to grow in personal identity and closeness with the other family members.
The solution
God has given us a built-in community in our families, though unfortunately some of our greatest wounds can happen within them as well. When the members of a family come together and work for the common good both of the entire system as well as for the good of individual members, immense resources for wholehearted and holy living emerge. We come deeper into the freedom and life we are meant to live in the image of the Trinity.
Your family can heal and grow. Let us come to your side and help make that possible.